You may be wondering if it's necessary to get a home inspection before you buy a house. After all, the inspector's job is to look for problems. But what exactly does a home inspector look for? Home inspections are different for a house, townhouse, or condominium. As a first-time home buyer, you may be wondering what the inspectors will actually be looking to find.
A good home inspection report will list any significant defects and explain why they were fixed. It also lets you negotiate with the seller on the most important repairs. You'll know which things need immediate attention and which ones can wait. An inspection report is also helpful if you're selling your home. After all, a buyer wants to know if they're getting a deal worth paying for. If you want to sell your house, it is important to make it more appealing to buyers.

Some home inspectors may not know how to evaluate appliances, so you can save money by repairing them yourself instead of hiring an expensive repairman. You'll also avoid the risk of being held responsible for repairs if a buyer finds out that you've had the oven fixed.
A home inspection report can help you get a fair price for your home. You'll get a comprehensive overview of the unit's condition as well as any issues they uncovered during the inspection. You'll also receive recommendations to repair any issues the inspector found.
When Should You Get a Home Inspection?
It depends on how big your house is. The inspection will take about two hours or more. During that time, your inspector will go over every area of your home, including the attic and roof. They will check every electrical outlet, plumbing, and HVAC system. It's a good idea to attend the inspection yourself, so you can see what they're looking for. This way, you can raise any issues that come to your mind.
If you're buying a newly constructed home, you may feel that a home inspection is unnecessary, but it can save you money in the long run. An inspection can uncover costly troubles that you may not have discovered otherwise. You might not have noticed plumbing issues, electrical lines, or structural problems, so you should get an expert's opinion before settling on a deal. If you're looking to buy a home, it's a good idea to have a professional walk you through the exterior and interior to check for any problems.

How Should a Home Buyer Prepare for a Home Inspection?
There are a few key things that a home buyer can do to prepare for a home inspection. First, make sure that you are available to be at the property during the inspection. This will allow the inspector to walk through the home with you and answer any questions you may have.
Second, be sure to read through the inspection report carefully and ask your inspector any questions you may have.
Finally, try to have access to all of the property's records, including permits, warranties, and past inspections. This will help you understand any potential issues that may be noted in the inspection report.
What Happens During a Home Inspection?
Basically, a home inspector will describe the various systems and areas of the home, and they will note their age, if available. They will also take pictures of the home, and you'll receive the report within a week of the inspection.
The inspector will inspect all the major appliances, flooring, and walls. He'll also check for any electrical issues, like non-functioning smoke alarms or carbon monoxide alarms. If they don't work, you'll need the builder or seller to get them fixed or replace the batteries. The inspector will also check the exterior and land surrounding the home for potential problems. If the house sits on a hillside, it's important to have this property inspected to make sure it's structurally sound.

During the inspection, the house inspector will check electrical functionality and make sure all outlets and light switches work. He'll also be looking to make sure everything looks like it's up to code. They will also check the doors and windows for sticking and condensation buildup between window panes.
Your inspector will check for problems with the plumbing system. You should also check the water pressure. Check every faucet and see if it drains properly. Also, look for any active water leaks, as they can be dangerous and can cost you thousands of dollars in repairs. If you don't do this, you might be in for a surprise.
Watch this quick video on home inspection:
In summary, home inspection is a good idea when buying a home because it can help you identify any problems with the property and negotiate a lower price. It is also a good way to learn about the home's condition so that you can make an informed decision about whether to buy it or not. If you are thinking of buying a home, be sure to get a home inspection done so that you can avoid any costly surprises down the road.
We hope you found this information to be helpful. Looking to buy a home in the Raleigh, NC area? Call Breezy Real Estate. (919) 752-4321